Sunday, June 12, 2011

Photos from Pico

[N.B.: Yes, I realized after I pressed the publish button that I had missed the opportunity to title this post "Pictures from Pico."]
Daniel Bourque, who had directed me in Ron Pullins' Pico for F.U.D.G.E.'s ten minute play festival in May, snapped some photographs during tech rehearsals. Here are a few:
Pico (after borrowing his clothes from Arlecchino) presents a relic (a prop Vulgate from a Teatro delle Maschere show.)
Moss (Shelley Wood) didn't order entertainment.
Pico presents the fairy tale of the man and the woe-man. Masks and puppets by yours truly.
The bums (Thomas Collins and Sally Nutt) watch the show.

More photos can be found in Daniel's photostream.

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